Monday, April 28, 2008

The Big Apple

来Big Apple面试的主要原因是看看到底在曼哈顿某国际品牌公司工作到底是什么样子的。
然后和她谈了一会儿,就带我到楼上的一层,大概是Executive Officers的办公室去和Director面试。
HR的人挺喜欢我,但是Director的body language好像是在keep distance from me,估计是没戏了。
但是也是够了,够我move on,到处旅行,无所事事1年后回加拿大读书。
纽约的桃花还是很漂亮的,在雨中怒放,和一些装饰很自然的屋子的对比下,the contrast is amazing。

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A New Chapter

So it is decided, I shall journey on.

Now I remember when I watched the movie, Chocolat (2000), I wondered how that woman lived that way all her life. I guess that I understand her right now. It's a drive within in. Eventually you have to give in, and move on.

Seirei no Moribito的女主真是我最喜欢的类型,可惜打斗的场面只有开始几集比较激烈。^^, 如果我到30有她一半的martial arts ablity也很强了。

Monday, April 14, 2008

8 of Cups

整理了房间,换了bed clothes,
就连星期六那么累的Capoeira课后,也一样,在最后还跑了20圈+100 Push ups的。

Things becoming clear now, I think the path ahead is moving away again.

The force of destiny has shown me an other climpse of her face. Is it just my imagination?

What do i fear? Yes, this is the answer:

Friday, April 11, 2008


Fear is the mind killer......

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Week

Judgement - Reversed
in the Past position.

A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Delusion. Denying the truth of a matter. Chasing rainbows. Being proved wrong. Having misjudged a situation. Remorse and disappointment. Or, depending on surrounding cards, may be lack of faith or unwarranted doubts. Repentance.

Ten of Swords - Reversed
in the Present position.

A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Short-term gains. Fallacy. Merger gain. Overconfidence. Poor research. Brief respite. Mirage. Gullibility.

The Wheel of Fortune
in the Future position.

A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Surprise. Change of fortune. Unexpected turn of events. Good luck. Progression. Windfall. Measurable time or natural cycle. Upturn of the wheel. Improvement. After struggles, obstacles give way and plans engage. Breakthrough and movement. Blind fortune. Chance. Moods of fate. Surmounting difficulties. Relief from another¹s oppression. The Wheel of Fortune can herald random change neither sought nor deserved, reminding us that fate sometimes rewards the unworthy while denying those deserving of luck. The card also carries a warning to the vain and fame seekers, in that what went up must come down, and at times depicts the figure atop the wheel with the ears of an ass. The wheel can represent a natural shift of circumstance or phase in life, such as the change from adolescent to adult, adult to middle age, etc.

When it Hurts - David Usher