昨天借了Diane Arubs A Biography。其实想借的是Diane Arubs Revelations的。今天却看不进去任何书。翻倒最后一页,却看到这样一段话:
Back at Westbeth the tenants started discussing Diane's suicide. Then a squabble began between several artists as to who would get her apartment. "It was one of the biggest in the building." a playwright says. "It had such a great view."
这就是死亡吧?After death, you mean nothing anymore. People can say anything and do anything that would be offensive/politically incorrect before a person's death.
很多著名的Artists都以自杀为结局。想来是因为自己had a dim hope for humanity,然后为了这渺茫的希望,牺牲自己的可以有的少忧少虑的生活,去和一切丑陋的,黑暗的,压抑的,不公正的。。。。。社会一面打交道,希望能改变点什么。就那么努力了10年20年,却发现自己的努力是多么地微弱,什么都无法改变。然后因为和人性的黑暗一面接触地太多,连自己都迷失了,在也回不到blessed with ignorance的状态。然后再在年龄打击下,就失去了生活的勇气,had to take one's own life as their last protest.
Hope is so dim, yet I still have to see it for myself.
El Salvador, Brazil
15 years ago
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