Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Q: How to cure my sickness?

1. 问题 - 剑6 - dealing with the effects of trauma/getting over a tough time/picking up the piecess/tarting to cope/beginning to get your health back/heading toward a more positive place/feeling hope again
2. 起因 - 章9 - - being undisciplined/self-indulgent/no trust in one's own grit and determination
3. 目前状态 - 杯4 - wrapped up for the moment in one's own world/can't get out
4. 建议 - 战车 - being determined to succeed/knowing who you are/curbing impulses/maintaining discipline
5. 未来 - 审判 - feeling reborn /seeing everything in a new light/discovering joy

Clarfication of 建议
死神- - rebirth, fresh start
杯8 - realizing the current cycle is overa/bandoning a hopeless situation/starting on a trip of unknown length
塔- - recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed/try to find the positive in it/been forced in a new direction/insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding

看来主题是a fresh start,是说新的什么呢? a new place to live, a new thing to learn, or a new trip? Chariot and Cup 8 seems saying a new trip or a new place to live. Let's See.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


God Emperor of Dune是沙丘系列中最不受读者喜欢的一本。实在是艰涩难懂。第一次看的时候还是高中,根本无法理解为什么Frank Herbert会浪费一整本书去写Leto II。就算我跳过这本,Heretics of Dune和Chapterhouse Dune还是连贯清晰。而且Leo II在God Emperor of Dune里绝对不是一个讨喜的主角。
直到10年后的今天,我才能真正开始理解(start to grasp)Frank Herbert在沙丘系列里所要表达的各种主题。
Leto II是沙丘里最强大的英雄和最邪恶的反面人物。

Frank Herbert写沙丘的主要一个主题是"I had this idea that superheros were disastrous for humans. " (我有了一个关于'超人'对于人类来说是灾难的灵感。)而Leto II就是这个主题的中心。Leto II的父亲, Paul, 想唤醒人类,他失败了。因为在第一本书(Dune)中,Paul已经是英雄,无论他做什么,只能让别人更加崇拜他而已(Dune Messiah)。而Leto II想让人类入睡,压迫他们到极端,直到他们自己成熟觉醒。他决定让自己成为人类的最大敌人。

在Children of Dune里, Leto II和Paul的一段对话:

Tears slipped from the sightless eyes and Paul released his grip, dropped his hand to his side.
"If I'd chosen your way, I'd have become the bicouros of shaitan. What will you become?"
"For a time they'll call me the missionary of shaitan, too," Leto said.
"Then they'll begin to wonder and, finally, they'll understand. You didn't take your vision far enough, father. Your hands did good things and evil."
"But the evil was known after the event!"
"Which is the way of many great evils," Leto said. "You crossed over only into a part of my vision. Was your strength not enough?"
"You know I couldn't stay there. I could never do an evil act which was known before the act. I'm not Jacurutu." He clambered to his feet. "Do you think me one of those who laughs alone at night?"
"It is sad that you were never really Fremen," Leto said. "We Fremen know how to commission the arifa. Our judges can choose between evils. It's always been that way for us."

我想Paul永远无法按Leto的方法去做,那是因为他是成长之后才成为Kwisatz Haderach的。作为人,作为尤其是军人家族出生的公爵,他无法做到抛弃对他忠诚的人们。而Leto和Paul的妹妹Alia一样,是在出生前就被唤醒的。Leto实际上也从来没有成为过真正的“人”。 无论是应为他的'超人'能力还是他是在成人之前就开始改造自己的基因,准备用几千年的时间把自己改造成sand worm。

而在God Emperor of Dune写的Leto II,就是经过了3,500多年的孤独和痛苦之后God Emperor。3,500年,真是无法想象,想想我自己未来还要活35年所要经历的孤独和痛苦都几乎能让人失去生存的勇气。而Leto就那样sufer了3,500年完完全全地孤独。他能预见所有人类的一切一切。每天对他来说就好像是已经知道所有细节的电影,毫无惊喜可言。他在这漫长的日子里把自己一点一点地改造成sand worm,已经没有'脚'可以走路,没有手可以拥抱。他知道自己什么时候死亡,而身体死亡之后,他的意识会被分成无数"无意识"在所有的未来sand worm里,他永远无法得到真正的死亡。这样的经历绝对是无法造出讨喜的角色性格的。God Emperor of Dune里对他的一次刺杀行为居然对他来说是非常难得的一次惊喜以及纯粹的快乐。

沙丘系列的前三部是为了引出Leto II这个中心人物,后三部则是描写有了他之后的后果。无论是书内的人物还是读者,结论往往是End does not adjustify the Means。能真正理解他的只有他的双胞胎Sheena, 以及制造了他父亲的Bene Gesserit吧。所以唯一能在God Emperor of Dune稍微得到照顾的就是Bene Gesserit。Leto是悲剧势的英雄,但是他永远不会被承认,永远不会被原谅,而他也知道。

"You cannot understand history unless you understand its flowings, its currents and the ways leaders move within such forces. A leader tries to perpetuate the conditions which demand his leadership. Thus, the leader requires the outsider. I caution you to examine my career with care. I am both leader and outsider. Do not make the mistake of assuming that I only created the Church which was the State. That was my function as leader and I had many historical models to use a pattern. For a clue to my role as outsider, look at the arts of my time. The arts are barbaric. The favorite poetry? The Epic. The popular dramatic ideal? Heroism. Dances? Wildly abandoned. From Moneo's viewpoint, he is correct in describing this as dangerous. It stimulates the imagination. It makes people feel the lack of that which I have taken from them. What did I take from them? The right to participate in history. "
-The Stolen Journals

然而我的疑问是如果这样迫使Human as a whole成熟是唯一的方法的话,那么应该是看着Human自然自我毁灭呢,还是这样的Evil是neccessary?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Warm Weather


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Diane Arbus

昨天借了Diane Arubs A Biography。其实想借的是Diane Arubs Revelations的。今天却看不进去任何书。翻倒最后一页,却看到这样一段话:

Back at Westbeth the tenants started discussing Diane's suicide. Then a squabble began between several artists as to who would get her apartment. "It was one of the biggest in the building." a playwright says. "It had such a great view."

这就是死亡吧?After death, you mean nothing anymore. People can say anything and do anything that would be offensive/politically incorrect before a person's death.

很多著名的Artists都以自杀为结局。想来是因为自己had a dim hope for humanity,然后为了这渺茫的希望,牺牲自己的可以有的少忧少虑的生活,去和一切丑陋的,黑暗的,压抑的,不公正的。。。。。社会一面打交道,希望能改变点什么。就那么努力了10年20年,却发现自己的努力是多么地微弱,什么都无法改变。然后因为和人性的黑暗一面接触地太多,连自己都迷失了,在也回不到blessed with ignorance的状态。然后再在年龄打击下,就失去了生活的勇气,had to take one's own life as their last protest.

Hope is so dim, yet I still have to see it for myself.



下午去了Capoeira Class,却不知道为什么觉得应该是2:30开始的,其实是2点。估计是我太生气而晕了头。在play honda的时候,终于让自己放松了下来,能够按照水平来play。可是和P Play的时候,突然因为对方风格的变化,又想了太多,而不知道该如何做了。不过按照这样的情况,应该过几个月就能自然的play了。:)


In the book of Dune, Bene Gesserit has a test to distinguish human being from animals. Now I understand what the purpose of the test is. Many people live as "animals". They seek to fulfill their basic instinct only, sex, food, security...... They hardly want to step out side their comfort home at least to explore the other end. Few "human" exist to search and understand the meaning of their lives. Yet, the ability to see the bigger picture usually drives them restless and end up in tragedy.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Pack with the Devil 与恶魔的交易

网址: (四叶森林)
AliatheKnife 版权所有Copyright (C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Pack with the Devil 与恶魔的交易



“恶魔的交易” 的主要形式就是一个人放弃了自己的灵魂和恶魔交换想要得东西,但是结果往往是不但没有得到想要的,而且还被恶魔收去了灵魂,却还要说恶魔欺骗了自己。这是多么好笑的指责,恶魔本来就是来欺骗的,在知道这个前提下还自愿和恶魔做的交易,实际上欺骗自己的人正是自己。

是不是觉得很眼熟呢? 应该很多人在论坛上有看到这样的困惑问题:“我根据塔罗显示的结果去做了,为什么情况更坏了?” “我的’牌灵’让我的生活一团糟。” “我现在做什么事情都要先算一下塔罗,然后按照塔罗去做。”



1. 塔罗能帮助你做决定,但是不能替你做决定
2. 塔罗能按照现在的情况和现在问者所处的状态,思维和行动做出对“最有可能未来/结果”的预测,但是这个不是绝对的。问者所处的状态,思维和行动产生变化的时候,“最有可能未来/结果”的预测会跟着变化。
3. 塔罗不是100%正确的


1.以为塔罗读牌 = 算命的人群,抱着娱乐的心理。解释一下塔罗的基本原则后,并让他们对结果不要太在意。



当问者就想知道结果,就想让你替他们做选择的时候。他们等于在告诉你:我们想逃避自己面对的现实和困境,我们想放弃我们应该承担的责任和应该做出的选择。我们想要一个easy way out!




Thursday, February 22, 2007

Frida Kahlo

忘记怎么跑到介绍Frida Kahlo的网页了。  


第一眼看到的时候,我下意识地捂住自己的心,怕它也会被掏出来. I can feel her pain!





Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Uneventful Day


在youtube上倒是听到很好听的歌- sin miedo a nada,算是今天的highlight了

Me muero por suplicarte que no te vayas, mi vida,  
me muero por escucharte decir las cosas que nunca diras,   
más me callo y te marchas,   
mantego la esperanza de ser capaz algún día   
de no esconder las heridas que me duelen al pensar   
que te voy queriendo cada día un poco más.   
¿cuanto tiempo vamos a esperar?     
Me muero por abrazarte y que me abraces tan fuerte,   
me muero por divertirte   
y que me beses cuando despierte acomodado en tu pecho,   
hasta que el sol aparezca.   
Me voy perdiendo en tu aroma,   
me voy perdiendo en tus labios   
que se acercan susurrando palabras   
que llegan a este pobre corazón,   
voy sintiendo el fuego en mi interior.     
Me muero por conocerte, saber qué es lo que piensas,   
abrir todas tus puertas   
y vencer esas tormentas que nos quieran abatir,   
centrar en tus ojos mi mirada,   
cantar contigo al alba,  
besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios   
y ver en tu rostro cada día crecer esa semilla,   
crear, soñar, dejar todo surgir,   
aparcando el miedo a sufrir    
Me muero por explicarte lo que pasa por mi mente,  
me muero por intrigarte y seguir siendo capaz de sorprenderte,   
sentir cada día ese flechazo al verte,  
¿qué más dará lo que digan? ¿ qué más dará lo que piensen?   
Si estoy loco es cosa mía  
y ahora vuelvo a mirar el mundo a mi favor,   
vuelvo a ver brillar la luz del sol.    
Me muero por conocerte, saber qué es lo que piensas,   
abrir todas tus puertas   
y vencer esas tormentas que nos quieran abatir,   
centrar en tus ojos mi mirada,   
cantar contigo al alba,  
besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios   
y ver en tu rostro cada día crecer esa semilla,   
crear, soñar, dejar todo surgir,   
aparcando el miedo a sufrir

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Slow Day

想了一下这4天的long weekend,居然什么都没有做  
虽然是很想去south beaches玩的  
想make some new friends, 但是自己也不是很social的person,不知道如何开始    
想不到我也有i am the job, only的一天  
昨天和Y好好地chat了一段时间, 估计她不会那么早就有机会和我去旅行的,还是要先settle她的career吧,看来只能好好计划自己独自旅行了  
其实这两天也一直在思考is it worth anything to travel around the world? what's the point? even if i understand the human suffering and will spend my second half life for betterment of the world, will that change anything? one person's effort seem laughable compare to all the destructive behaviors of the human race as a whole.   
也许我不应该想这么多,those questions will drive me to the point of insanity, 就算我想,想不通,我决定要做的事情还是回去做的,就算撞得头破血流,but i'll have peace at heart    

试了在language partners找人chat,好像也不是很efficient,大家主要还是想practice自己要学的语言,而不是help the other person  
看来要set一个确定的时间aside, 否则我永远也不会sit down and learn

Monday, February 19, 2007

Gap Year

Yesterday I went to my mom's place to have dinner with her. I told her that I plan to take 2 years off to travel around the world on july 2008. Meaning I'll quit my current job, which everyone thinks is great, and face a very uncertain future.   
Of course, my mom is oppose to the idea as expected. She wants to keep me close and keep away any ideas foreign to her from me. LOL   I called up my friend Y, see if she wants to travel with me. Two females travel together will not only save money, but also makes the trip a bit safer......    
(后面的没存,忘记了,oh well, i made my effort ^^)

New Year Resolution

一直想keep a journal  
今年的new year resolution中就有坚持写blog这一项目  
The Holy Isle of Avalon always has fascinated me. The Mists of Avalon也是我最喜欢的电影之一。
在此祝愿自己能有一天进入那个mystery realm。也许,只是也许,在我剩下在earth的日子,我会learn the secret of life and obtain wisdom.......

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Psychological Age

iust did the psychological age test again, (chinese), last time i was 35 and now i'm 42... ... (english), also, 46

many small events occured since december, like books i read, place i visited, work, dad moved to spain, stress and etc. have changed my perception of a lot things

i know i always think and act like people older than me. some of friends also told me i'm so much more mature than my real age - 中年人的感觉
sometimes i'm confused myself too. when i was 24, sometimes i would think "right now i'm 26 already, i probably should do this or that", then i would realize i'm still 24. it's a very weird feeling. as if i lived in a different speed than other people, as if my life burns out quicker.

maybe i'm really a person like mr Cecil Vyse in A Room with a View: "conventional, Cecil, you're that, for you may understand beautiful things, but you don't know how to use them; and youwrap yourself up in art and books and music, and would try to wrap up me...... You were all right as long as you kept to things"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Living Road & La Llorona

前两天听了Lhasa De Sela的Decara A La Pased后,就买下了她的2张CD: The Living Road & La Llorona。
个人来说,更加喜欢The Living Road一些。


"I live in this country now
I'm called by this name
I speak this language
It's not quite the same
For no other reason
Than this it's my home
And the places i used to be far
From are gone

You've travelled this long
You just have to go on
Don't even look bank to see
How far you've come
Throught your body is bending under the load
There is nowthere to stp
Anywhere on this road"


Con Toda Palabra作为主打歌曲也非常动听, youtube上有MV。

La Llorona的主题更为常见些,还是感情所带来的痛苦
La Llorona是一个很有名的墨西哥传说。

“Many versions of La Llorona's origin exist. Some describe a beautiful young woman in Mexico or New Mexico, who married or was seduced by a local man, by whom she had several children. The woman is sometimes given a Christian name; Sofia, Linda, Laura, and María are sometimes used. The man leaves her, sometimes for another woman, sometimes for reasons of employment, and sometimes just to be away from La Llorona and her several children. At any rate, La Llorona chooses to murder her children, almost always by drowning, either to spare them a life of poverty, to free herself to seek another man, or for revenge against their absent or stray father.
The tales vary mostly in the several motives they give to the mother and father for the murder. The version popular in Las Cruces, New Mexico says that "La Llorona" drowned her children in the Rio Grande when she could no longer support them. On nights with a full moon, says the story, La Llorona can be heard crying near the river."


De cara a la pared是描写她的悲伤吧
El Desierto和Desdenosa都带有强烈的愤怒以及无助的悲哀

"He venido al desierto pa' reirme de tu amor/Que desierto es mas tierno y la espina besa mejor" (I've come to the desert to laugh at your love/The desert is more gentle and the kiss of the thorn is better)


When it Hurts - David Usher