Monday, March 5, 2007

The Way

Finally, I think I have chosen the way I want to follow in this life.
Yet, after 10 years, I've come back in full circle right at the same point again. However, I think right now I'm stronger and weaker, a bit wiser, and more aware of what I'm searching for.
Training starts today.

The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.
- The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam to Paul Atreides

下午和Mr. H聊了一阵子,非常感谢他的鼓励。

- "Hard to correct habits, yes, I came from very rich backgrounds when we started HRD and we had it very difficult time to learn the HRD way, now after all this time we can control and do what our minds wants rather than think of this is the better way, 'better way' is only perspective. think only of my minds wants this and slave the body to it. after all you are in command o your mind and themind is supposed to control the body, altough that is the whole point of training, to bring that into control."

晚上play capoeria的时候果然relax了很多。想来再过上3,4个月就能feel comfortable了。

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When it Hurts - David Usher