Sunday, September 28, 2008
Frustrating Week
Mood swings has been over a month now. Can't get out of it and has reached my tolerance level.
Reality Check Time!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wake Up And Say Goodbye

David Usher的第六张Album终于出来了,我一首还未听过。等Amazon.com有listing的时候再买吧。
Track Listings
- "The River"
- "We Are Wolves Here (Electric City)"
- "And So We Run"
- "My Biggest Mistake"
- "Wake Up And Say Goodbye"
- "Kill The Lights"
- "Everyday Things"
- "I Am The Weapon"
- "Airplanes"
- "Secret Garden"
- "When It Hurts"
- "Speak/Listen"
- "Kill The Lights (featuring Marie-Mai)"
- "Carry On (itunes Bonus Track)"
Thursday, September 18, 2008

“第二个是牛吃草的故事。有这样一则寓言,说其实人到这个世界上来就是到处乱跑、到处去吃青草的,但是可惜,我们的人生已经给我们设定了目标,就是在我们的 牛角前面挂了两束青草,分别是“名”跟“利”。“名”这束“青草”也可以叫做“事业”,或者叫做“功名”;“利”这束“青草”也叫“待遇”。我们每天都会 往前跑,希望吃到这两束青草,但是每当你往前跑一步,这两束青草就同样在往前面跑,偶尔掉下一两根被你吃到了,你就升了一级或者赚了一笔钱;但是,其实更 好的青草,甚至鲜花,是在你脚下的,你为了追逐牛角上的青草而错过了脚下更鲜美的青草,或者美丽的鲜花。有一句西方的谚语——“在牛的眼里头,鲜花也是饲 料”,我觉得,在青草跟鲜花这两种饲料之间,我更喜欢鲜花一点,因为鲜花是更好的饲料。
“第三个故事,名字叫做《十八乌缸廿四瓮》,是流传在广东潮汕一带的一个有名传说,说的是明朝的时候,有对海盗兄妹,多年下来积累了无数的金银财宝,藏在与 海相通的一个山洞里头,官兵多次围剿,都无功而返,后来,官兵发现了山洞通海的秘密,两头派兵围剿。海盗自觉此次在劫难逃,打算放弃金银财宝,空身逃走, 但妹妹舍不得这些宝贝,哥哥问:“你是要命还是要宝?”妹妹说:“要宝!”于是,哥哥刀起头落,妹妹的脑袋便和十八乌缸廿四瓮金银财宝埋在一起了。
“4. 入错行
在各种人生选择中,不光选伴侣很重要,选专业也是很重要的。现在很多小孩有一个重大的误区,就是只考名校不选好专业。其实这是误 小孩一辈子的事情。如果小孩被迫去做他不喜欢的事情,哪怕是考进北大、清华、剑桥、牛津都没有用,最主要的是那个专业要好,符合个人的兴趣爱好。
同理,一个人不是当官的材料却进了官场,会得“官场不适应症”;不是经商的料进了商场,会得“商场不适应症”;不是艺术家的料硬是要当艺术家,最终也顶 多只是一个三流艺术家,绝不会有什么大出息。生旦净末丑,各有各的天分,如果当初梅兰芳去演老丑,马连良去演小生,中国京剧界就少了两位大师了。
“1. 题解墨菲定律
我们的思路经常会被一些固有的东西所牵制。事情 永远不会减少,只会增加。比如,你计划用28天来完成一项工作,结果发现需要做32天才能完成。我们在按计划工作的同时,会不断有很多意外的事情加进来。 所以,如果老想着等明天再去享受的话,你会发觉有一个错误——当你有牙的时候,没有豆子可吃;当你精力很好,可以到处去玩的时候,你却没有钱;当你有钱和 充分的时间了,却有很多事情你已经办不了了,很多地方你已经去不了了,很多乐趣你再也没有那样的心情、没有那么年轻的心态去感受它了。
所以人生是错位的,“有牙的时候没有豆,有豆的时候没有牙”。所以“现实原则”就是“当下便是”,你该做的事情,该享受的东西,就应该去做、去享受,过 好每一天,因为有些东西是不可错过的。趁着现在有牙的时候多吃一点豆,免得等牙都掉光的时候,看着别人吃豆,发一些没有用的牢骚和感慨。李商隐有两句诗“ 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”。很可能在你自觉很好的时候,黄昏已经到了,所以古人都说,“春宵一刻值千金”,人生春天,每一分钟都是花钱也买不来的。但是, 这句话似乎经常只有老年人才能够深刻体会到。
1. 周游世界
2. 找到可以Contribute to Environment和International方面的工作
3. 持续学习Martial Arts
4. 翻译喜欢的书
5. 65岁存够储蓄可以退休
6. Fluent in 西班牙语和法语
7. 研究Illusion/魔术方面的心理学
8. 收养一个女孩
1. Independence
2. 还完学生贷款
3. 基本存够可以背包一年的钱
4. 去过几个喜欢的国家
5. 学过/学中Hwrangdo, Capoeira, BJJ
1. 能交心的朋友都不在身边
2. 感情空白
3. 办公室人际关系完全失败(也学到了什么叫做永远不能把同事当作朋友)
4. 不满意目前的专业/工作(office politics的失败+理想主义or好高骛远)
5. 浪费掉的时间太多,可以自学很多东西的
6. 间期的Depression,太伤身了
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1929的Great Depression仿佛只是历史,但是从星期一开始,就是可以触摸的现在。
Here are ten things that this financial panic means for you.
1. Check that your bank accounts are federally insured. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) guarantees deposits up to $100,000 per person. If you have to hold more than that, spread it across multiple banks. As a taxpayer you are paying for this insurance. Use it.
2. Make sure your brokerage accounts are federally insured, too. The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) guarantees you at places like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, E-Trade and the like up to $500,000, including $100,000 worth of cash. The same rules apply: If you have more to invest, spread it across multiple firms. Note: The SIPC is only there to make sure you get your shares and bonds back if a brokerage fails. It does not, obviously, guarantee those investments' value.3. Put money in thy purse. If this market and this economy get any tougher, cash isn't just going to be king any more. It's going to be king, queen, emperor, lord high chamberlain, and the whole court – including the royal cat and crazy prince Ruprecht locked in the attic. The easiest way to make or find a buck is to save it. So take an axe to those family budgets. The restaurant meals. The Super Duper Everything Cable package. The rip-off checking account with the high fees and low interest. It's all costing you.
4. Set up a home equity line of credit while you still can. I usually don't like advising people to take on more debt, but if access to ready cash might be a life saver it's best to line it up. That's especially true if you are worried about your job. Credit is already tight, and it may get a lot tighter still.
5. Refinance your mortgage. The panic on Wall Street just caused a collapse in the interest rate on long-term US Treasury bonds, as lots of investors rushed there for safety. And that usually leads to a fall in long-term mortgage rates.
6. Stop pulling a Monty Python when it comes to your worst investments. If you ever saw John Cleese and Michael Palin perform their famous skit about the dead parrot, you know exactly what I mean. No, your Fannie Mae shares aren't "resting." They're lying at the bottom of the cage with their feet in the air. What more do you need to know? So stop waiting for them to "recover" before sorting out your portfolio.
7. Don't panic. Journalists, like markets, tend to move in herds. And by the nature of their jobs they write about the plane that crashes instead of the thousands that land safely. Remember, too, that pundits want to seem really wise by putting on serious expressions and saying things like "we don't know how this thing is going to play out," and "the situation could get a lot worse". Bah. Guess what? We never know how things are going to play out. And the situation could get a lot better too. That's the future for you.
8. When it comes to your short-term money needs, nothing has changed. Any money you might need within the next year or two should be held in cash or equivalents. That was true two years ago and it is true now. The stock market is no home for money you may need urgently. It could fall 30% or jump 30%. Nobody knows. You can get a one year CD paying 5% right now, and it's federally guaranteed.
9. If you are investing for five years or more, buy some stock. The investment outlook is much, much better today than it has been for several years, because shares are much cheaper. World markets overall have fallen 27% from last year's peak. They're not a steal at current levels but they are not particularly expensive either. Invest globally. Vanguard Total World Stock gives you the whole world and low fees. If you are looking for a value focus, Morningstar analyst Bridget Hughes likes Oakmark Global. Another good one is Tweedy, Browne's new Worldwide High Dividend Yield Value. The list is not comprehensive. Remember: I am not trying to call the bottom of the market. Things could fall quite a bit further ahead. No one knows. So only invest little, often, and broadly.
10. If you want to worry about anything, worry about your taxes. The worse this crisis gets, the more they will end up putting the taxpayer on the hook to prevent a meltdown. Taxes are going up sooner or later anyway, no matter who wins the election, because of our gigantic federal deficits. (If you think Lehman Brothers was bad, you should look at Uncle Sam). And you can forget about any talk of tax breaks. Oh, and if you want a break from worrying about taxes, worry about Treasury bonds. Deficits won't do anything good for them.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Legacy of the Divine
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I don't know what it is.
虽然说to live is to suffer,但是因为茫然而痛苦的感觉实在是不怎么样。
Well, I rather have pain than nothing at all.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Flamenco: A Personal Journey
一共10个Video,非常好的intro to flameco。