I had a good sleep, but i still need more.
My body is coming to a limit again.
Anger is uncontrollable again. Hopefully I can rest well and keep my weight down this week.
Bad feeling... As if my life is burning out on me and hope is so dim, yet i have no desire to end it yet.
Mind: Shame. An imposter. A state of denial. Unrequited love. Cruel gossip.
Body: Competition. Erratic energy. Confusion. Inconsistent effort. Preoccupation with material acquisitions. Appearing a fool in trying to keep up with the Joneses. Overspending. Impatience and stress. Waxing and waning of purpose. Clash of ideas and principles. Sloppy effort. Rebellion and turmoil. Breakdown of communication. Hurting others by giving mixed messages. Need to reevaluate situation, organize, and start afresh.

Soul: Opportunity. Swift response. Thinking on one¹s feet. Opening. Adventure. Chance to make great progress if one has the courage and wits to act quickly. Travel entailing a spiritual lesson. Can signify falling in love. Time of hope. Make your move. Opportunity afoot; make haste. Whirlwind of romance. Arrows of love.
My mind is depressed, my body is struggling and my soul needs a break from everything.